Shy girl with a big ass is suddenly the center of attention. Horny couple want to park, but get much more. Young white man force-feminized by black gang. Good for nothing acquaintance fucks my wife. So that's what my new stepfather and his friends are up to. Man in traffic jam sees wife turned into slut via video chat. My wife and I need help starting a small business. Richard makes me cheat on my lesbian girlfriend. Tales from the graveyard shift, the aftermath. Young married couple piss off the lawn boys.Įd just wants a few pics to remember losing his virginity.įriend complains about sexlife and gets more than pity.Ī wife is later seduced but it all starts somewhere.Ī guy finds out a wife is fucking around. This is a home invasion story told from a different angle. Husband gains revenge.ĭrunk wife is punished for being loose at a party. With encouragement of husband, wife becomes more daring. Unexpected discovery of glory hole and results. These are not submissions written by this member - they are some of his or her favorite Literotica submissions and people. This page shows a list of stories, poems, and authors that this member enjoys. ( Click on username to send feedback to member.